School session times
For all pupils (except Foundation Stage 1): 8.55am – 3.15pm
Foundation Stage 1: We offer the full entitlement of 15 hours, in either morning or afternoon sessions.
Please could we ask that your child does not arrive at school before 8.40am.
Class organisation
Children work in single age range classes from Foundation to Key stage 2, with two classes in each year group.
At Park Primary School we aim to help children develop skills, concepts, knowledge and attitudes through a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to their needs.
Our primary emphasis is on teaching the basic skills since everything which follows depends upon the mastery of these.
The core curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 comprises:
- English – Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
- Mathematics
- Science
- Information Communication Technology (ICT)
Children also study the subjects below as part of the National Curriculum.
These are the foundation subjects:
- Art and Design
- Design Technology (DT)
- History
- Geography
- Music
- Physical Education -All our children have regular PE lessons and Y3/Y4 go swimming each week.
Children are also taught Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education.
We aim to promote challenge through high expectations of learning and behaviour.
We also make learning fun and relevant for everyone!
Extra Curricular activities
The children can attend a variety of clubs and activities provided throughout the year for example gardening, glee, sports and music.
Teams represent the school in Cricket and Football and a variety of other sports.
The school also makes use of outside coaches and providers to extend the range of activities available for the children.
Swimming lessons are taken in Year 3 and Year 4 in the Spring Term.
Class Assembly
TUESDAY is usually class assembly day
* all are subject to change