
Welcome to Nursery!

Here you will find lots of information about our Nursery. We are a 52 place nursery that runs a morning and afternoon session for children in each aged 3-4 years. Our morning sessions are 9am-12pm and afternoon sessions 12:30pm-3:30pm. However, if you’re eligible for 30-hour funding then we can offer sessions Monday to Thursday 9am until 3:15pm, Friday 9am until 1pm (with an option to extend hours until 3:15pm at an additional charge).

In January and April we welcome Early Starters to our nursery, depending on availability of places.


Mrs Fowler – Class Teacher

Mrs Forster- Nursery Nurse/HLTA

Mrs Olney-Watson-Teaching Assistant

We are a caring and supportive team and hope to make your child feel safe and settled in a positive and welcoming environment. Our aim is to prepare children for full time education next September. We do this through short adult-led input alongside exciting play-based learning experiences to meet all areas of development in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Key Information

FS1 Medium Term Plan Autumn 1

FS1 Medium Term Plan Autumn 2

FS1 Medium Term Plan Spring 1

FS1 Medium Term Plan Spring 2

FS1 Medium Term Plan Summer 2

FS1 knowledge organisers Autumn 1 to Summer 2

Our themes:

  • Me!
  • Let’s Celebrate!
  • Animals
  • Traditional Stories
  • Growing
  • Summer Fun


To find out more about what children are learning within these themes, please click the links above or visit our curriculum section.

Our themes learning intentions are also discussed each half term on our ‘Dojo class story’. The Dojo system is used in Nursery as a platform for you to see what is happening in Nursery/school and notify you of important events. The private messaging that runs alongside Dojos enables you to message the teacher with any queries you may have. The teacher will respond (as soon as they are available) out of session times between 730am and 850am/ 330pm and 5pm.

Starting Nursery

Your child’s first term will involve exploring lots of different activities and meeting new friends and their teacher. Children self-register by posting their name card and joining us on the carpet for basket activities.  They will hopefully become familiar with daily routines, learn a variety of songs, explore different materials and enjoy role playing in the home corner and dressing up. We hope to develop their listening and attention skills by the end of the term through listening to stories one to one and in small groups.

We look forward to seeing children beginning to gain confidence with expressing their needs and interests. Our Foundation Stage staff encourage children to choose activities they would like to play with and teach children about classroom rules such as; being kind to others, listening to their teacher, encourage children to join in with activities and keeping the classroom environment friendly and safe.

Aims of Nursery and home partnership with learning Independence

Before your child actually starts school, it would be helpful if your child could begin doing some or all of the following.

  • Dress and undress independently.
  • Change their shoes.
  • Use the toilet independently.
  • Wash and dry hands.
  • Tidy away toys
  • Have a preference for a dominant hand.
  • Put on their coat and do the zip or buttons up.
  • Write some or all of their name.
  • Use a knife and fork.


Important Information

  • Children can wear school uniform although this isn’t compulsory in Nursery.
  • Please ensure your child has a spare set of clothes, including underwear, trousers or skirt, socks or tights and a t-shirt or jumper in a bag named and hung on their peg. Children still needing nappies/pull-ups please ensure additional nappies/pull ups, wipes etc are in your child’s bag. Thank you!
  • Please ensure your child comes into Nursery in their P.E kit every Friday including wearing adequate footwear such as black pumps or trainers (Velcro fasteners please). Long hair tied back, no tights, earrings or jewellery please. No uniform will be required on this day.
  • Please can we remind you to bring your child to school with a clearly named water bottle.
  • Your child will have access to the outdoor area every day, whatever the weather. Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed each day and all items named please.
  • It is important that your child attends Nursery every day. If they are unable to, please telephone the school office in the morning- 01302 344659 or email .
  • Look at our ‘Parent Information Board’ on entrance to nursery as this provides termly dates for the latest events and information.