Year 3

Welcome to 3P!

Here you will find lots of information about our class. Please click the links to find out more!

  • Our curriculum
  • Staff
  • Timetable
  • Home learning
  • Photos
  • PE
  • Things to remember
  • Useful dates

1. Our curriculum

At Park Primary School, each year group studies four main topics throughout the year. Our topics this year are below. Please click the links to find out more!

Topic 1: Stone Age to Iron Age

Topic 2: Roman Britain / MTP

Topic 3: The British Isles / MTP

Topic 4: Growth and Life

Each year, we also have special themed weeks: a World Book Day week in March, a Remembrance week in November, a Christmas week in December and a ROAARR week (focusing on the school’s key values of Resilience, Opportunity, Aspiration, Achievement, Respect and Responsibility) in July. 

2. Staff 

Miss Mason – 3P class teacher

Miss Rhodes – 3R class teacher

Mrs Oxberry – LKS2 teaching assistant

Mrs Douglas – LKS2 teaching assistant 

3. Timetable 

Here is our class timetable. 

4. Home learning 

Reading Raffle  

Reading is INCREDIBLY important and children should read at home as much as possible. They can read their school book or anything else they have at home (magazines, newspapers, other books, leaflets etc.) because all reading is good reading! Please sign their reading record to record their home reading and bring this into school on a Tuesday. For every time a child reads, they will receive a raffle ticket to go into the weekly prize draw.

Times Tables 

Times tables are HUGELY important as they underpin so many areas of maths (multiplication, division, fractions, scaling etc.). Please encourage your child to practise their times tables as much as possible at home. They can do this on TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars), by writing out the tables, by singing / chanting / reciting the tables, by testing with an adult or a sibling etc. All practice is valuable practice!


Children have a weekly spelling test on a Friday. They receive a new spelling list each week (on a Friday) to learn and practise at home ready for the spelling test the following week. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings at home using the suggestions below:

– Ask an adult / friend / sibling to test you.

– Practise using ‘look, cover, write/say, check’.

– Write the spellings out.

– Think of mnemonics to help remember the spellings e.g. ‘BEAUTiful – Bears Eat Ants Under Trees –iful’.

– You could break the word down into phonemes or syllables e.g. eighteen – eigh -t – ee – n

– You could think of your own ways to help remember the spellings. 

Topic sheets 

Each child has a home learning book. This book contains a knowledge organiser for the topic we are currently studying and a list of suggested tasks relating to this topic. Pupils can choose to do as many or as few of the tasks as possible and we also encourage the children to come up with their own ideas for home learning. 

Stone Age to Iron Age Knowledge Organiser

Roman Britain Knowledge Organiser

The British Isles Knowledge Organiser

Growth and Life Knowledge Organiser


The children can use their home learning books for absolutely any work they do at home. We encourage the children to come up with their own ideas and to practise things they are struggling with (e.g. handwriting, times tables, spelling) and to complete work which is of particular interest to them.

 5. Photos 

Here are a selection of photos from our year so far. 

  • Gladiator Day – 15th January 2024
  • Science Lesson – Investigating Light – 16th January 2024
  • Ukulele concert – Tuesday 6th February 2024

 6. PE

  • PE is on a Monday and a Thursday this half term.
  • Please ensure that children have their PE kits on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • PE days may be subject to change so we encourage children to bring their kit to school on a Monday and take it home on a Friday each week.

PE kit is:

  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black tracksuit or sweatshirt and jogging trousers for outdoor PE
  • Indoor activities such as dance and gymnastics are done in bare feet.
  • Plimsolls or trainers are needed for outdoor activities.

 7. Things to remember

  • PE days are on Monday and Thursday.
  • Reading records should be brought to school on a Tuesday.
  • Spelling test every Friday.

8. Useful dates

  • Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th February – Parents’ Evening (you will receive a message on Class Dojos to explain how to book a slot).
  • Monday 4th March – Friday 8th March – Book Week (you will receive a message on Class Dojos with more information about this).