School Uniform

We ask that all pupils wear school uniform. This gives the children a sense of belonging to the school community.

This is:

  • Royal blue fleece, sweatshirt or cardigan with or without the school logo*
  • Grey/black trousers or skirts
  • White/blue shirt/polo shirt
  • Sensible black shoes or plain black trainers which MUST NOT display any logos
  • In summer a blue/white dress or black/grey shorts can be worn – please note no tight fitting or cycling shorts are permitted.
  • No jewellery other than a watch or, if ears are pierced, one pair of small plain studs. These must be removed for PE and swimming

For PE

  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black tracksuit or sweatshirt and jogging trousers for outdoor PE

Indoor activities such as dance and gymnastics are done in bare feet. Plimsolls or trainers are needed for outdoor activities.

Clothing with the school logo on it, book bags, backpacks and PE kits are available for purchase through the My Clothing website.

Y4 pupils go swimming and will require appropriate swimming kit and a towel. This must be swimming trunks NOT swim shorts for boys and for girls a one piece swimming costume.

PLEASE mark all items with your child’s name.