Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Here you will find lots of information about Year 2. At Park Primary School our children study four main topics throughout the year. To find out more about what children will be learning in their topic work, please click the topic links below or visit our curriculum section. Below is also a list of key information about the class.


Miss Middlebrook – Class teacher, Assistant head teacher

Miss May – Class teacher

Mrs Edwards – HLTA

Ms Steel – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Monaghan – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Houghton – Teaching Assistant


Key information:

Year 2 expectations

Things to remember:

Children MUST bring their reading books and reading record EVERY day.

PE will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday, the children need to bring their PE kits to school to change into, have long hair tied up and any earrings removed before school.

Spellings will be tested on a Friday, with new spellings given out. Please send the children’s green spelling books into school on a Friday.

Home Learning:

Please listen to your child read at least 3 times per week (5 minutes per time is fine).

Children can practice their times tables on TT Rockstars.

The children will receive weekly homework on a Friday, please send homework books into school on Thursday for new work to be given out.

Topic 1

Significant People

This exciting topic will take us on a thrilling journey looking at interesting significant people from our past and how they have shaped the world we live in today. We will learn about segregation, inequality, opportunity and oppression.

Key questions for our topic:

Who are significant people in history?

How has inequality impacted the world?

What impact did Florence Nightingale have on nursing?

How do other significant nurses compare to Florence Nightingale?

Why are Edward Jenner and Sir Alexander Fleming significant?

What lessons have we learnt from the history of health care?

Knowledge Organiser:

This outlines the main knowledge and vocabulary that will be taught in this topic. Please use this with your child to support them with their learning.


Topic 2

Polar Explorers

This interesting topic will take us on an exciting journey looking at the polar regions and the animals that inhabit these places. We will also learn about the brave explorers who raced across the world to visit the polar regions.

Key Questions for our topic:

What are the polar regions?

Can a polar region be habitable?

How were the polar regions discovered?

Why do people want to explore the polar regions?

What challenges did explorers face?

How have the polar regions changed?


Knowledge Organiser:

This outlines the main knowledge and vocabulary that will be taught in this topic. Please use this with your child to support them with their learning.

Topic 3

Nocturnal animals



Topic 4

Coastal Regions

We will have a ‘whale of a time’ learning about the coastal regions of the UK, specifically Holderness coast. We will look in more detail and explore the human and physical features that are present in the seaside town of Bridlington.

Key questions for our topic:

What is a coastal region?

What are the features of a coastal area?

What was the seaside like in the past?

How would you describe Bridlington?

How have the geographical features of Bridlington changed over time?

How does a coastal area compare to our own locality?


Knowledge Organiser:

This outlines the main knowledge and vocabulary that will be taught in this topic. Please use this with your child to support them with their learning.